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Master of Divinity – Chaplain Ministries

Master of Divinity - Chaplain Ministries


The Master of Divinity (MDiv) is a professional ministerial degree that equips people for pastoral leadership and service in churches, Christian ministries, and chaplaincy contexts, especially for ministerial settings that require ordination. The MDiv also prepares people for advanced theological degrees (e.g., ThM, DMin, and/or PhD). The degree provides a broad and integrated curriculum of foundational studies in Bible, theology, Church history, and the practice of ministry. The chaplaincy track is 84 credit hours including Clinical Pastoral Education.

Program Director

Stewart, Michael R.

Research Professor of Chaplain Ministries
Director of the MDiv – Chaplain Ministries Program

Dr. Michael Stewart serves as the Associate Endorser of Civilian Chaplains for the Presbyterian and Reformed Commission on Chaplains and Military Personnel (PRCC). He is an ordained Presbyterian Church in…

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MDiv Chaplaincy Curriculum


  • BI 501 Bible Survey = 3 hs * * Required in one of the first three semesters of studies.
    or BI 080 Bible Challenge Exam = 0 hs * * Required in one of the first three semesters of studies.
  • BI 502 Principles of Exegesis * * Required in one of the first three semesters of studies.
  • PM 502 Christian Vocation and Transformation


  • OT 501 Old Testament I
  • OT 502 Old Testament II
  • NT 601 New Testament I
  • NT 602 New Testament II
  • Bible elective
  • OT Exegesis elective
  • NT Exegesis elective

*Students who pass the Bible Challenge Exam must take an additional Bible elective in lieu of BI 501 Bible Survey.

  • CH 501 Early and Medieval Church History
  • CH 502 Reformation and Modern Church History
  • ST 601 Systematic Theology I
  • ST 602 Systematic Theology II
  • ST 603 Systematic Theology III
  • ST 780 Apologetics and World Religions
  • Ethics elective
  • Missions/Contextual elective
  • CE 505 Christian Education
  • PM 507 Evangelism
  • WP 550 Basic Preaching
  • WP 551 Christian Worship
  • PM 604 Christian Leadership and Church Admin
  • PM 608 Pastoral Care and Counseling
  • PM 610 Intro to Chaplaincy
  • PM 705 Supervised Ministry
  • PM 774 Clinical Pastoral Education I (CPE I)
  • PM 775 Clinical Pastoral Education II (CPE II)


The Seminary recommends that students take Greek and/or Hebrew.

Program Requirements
  • Admission
    Applicants must have completed a baccalaureate degree at an accredited institution with an acceptable grade point average. (See “Admissions” for details.)
  • Graduation
    Students must complete 84 semester hours of coursework for the MDiv Chaplaincy with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. The program may be completed in as little as three years of full-time study. Students must normally complete the program within nine years.
  • Transfer
    Students who already possess a MATS or MAPM degree from Erskine Theological Seminary or equivalent degrees from other accredited seminaries or graduate schools may transfer most if not all those courses toward an Erskine MDiv degree.

Student Learning Outcomes

In dependence upon the grace of God, Master of Divinity (MDiv) graduates will be able to:

  1. Articulate (both orally and in writing) the essential biblical, theological, historical, cultural, and ministerial concepts necessary for a lifetime of learning and effectiveness in pastoral ministry. (Articulation and Essentials)
  2. Interpret the Bible within its canonical and historical contexts and apply the message of the Bible to contemporary life through preaching, teaching, and pastoral care, while drawing upon the Church’s theological and historical heritage. (Interpretation and Application)
  3. Discuss graciously the essentials of evangelical Christianity and the Reformed theological tradition within the contexts of diverse ecclesiologies, contemporary cultures, and global Christianity. (Evangelical and Reformed)
  4. Identify contemporary issues in the Church and the world and demonstrate the ability to theologically evaluate and pastorally address those issues. (Theological and Pastoral Integration)
  5. Demonstrate love for Jesus Christ and growth in sanctification toward personal, relational, and spiritual maturity appropriate to pastoral ministry. (Sanctification)
  6. Demonstrate competence for faithful and effective pastoral leadership within the Church and in its mission to the world, through preaching, teaching, worship leading, evangelism, pastoral care, and administration. (Pastoral Leadership)
Ready to Get Started?
Back To Top Erskine Theological Seminary, the graduate school of theology of Erskine College 210 South Main Street P.O. Box 338 Due West, SC 29639 Phone: 864-379-8821; Fax: 864-379-3171