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Institutional Scholarship and Refund Policy


Through the generosity of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church and other loyal contributors, the Seminary provides substantial scholarships to students from other denominations and organizations. Such aid is available to all degree-seeking students on the basis of demonstrated need, academic record, and the potential for church service. Students receiving denominational scholarships must be in good standing with their church, presbytery, or judicatory. Additional assistance is provided through student employment, if applicable.

Students who drop one or more courses will lose the institutional scholarship aid for such courses. Students will not receive scholarships for courses that do not count toward their degree program, or for courses repeated due to failure. These scholarships are awarded on a first come, first served basis to students who meet the following requirements:

  • Students must complete and submit the Financial Aid Application – Planning Your Finances at Erskine Theological Seminary before the beginning of each academic year.
  • Students must submit a “Letter of Good Standing” from their church/denomination or current military orders.
  • Students must submit all documentation required to become eligible (see application for instructions).
  • Students must be enrolled in a degree program at least half-time (6 hours per term for master level students, and 3 hours per term for DMin and ThM students).
  • Students must register for courses by the official registration deadline each semester or term.
  • Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress, as defined by their degree requirements.

Institutional Scholarships available are:

  • Presbyterian scholarship – Submit a “Letter of Good Standing” from your local church session or presbytery naming you as a student under care or a member of the presbytery. This letter must be typed on church/presbytery letterhead and signed by the clerk of the session or presbytery. Presbyterian scholarships are applicable to all ARP, PCA, PCUSA, EPC, NAPARC, RUF, Campus Outreach and OPC students.
  • Chaplaincy scholarship – For approved active-duty chaplains only – Submit a copy of your “orders for current assignment.” All other chaplains must submit a letter from their employer stating their job title and good standing.
  • Non-Presbyterian scholarships If you are a non-denominational, AME, Baptist, CME, etc., student, you must submit a “Letter of Good Standing” from your church, elder, or district superintendent stating your status.
  • Mitchell RoadPresbyterian scholarship – You must submit a “Letter of Good Standing” from your local church session or a letter from your presbytery stating you are a student under care or a member of the presbytery. This letter must be typed on church/presbytery letterhead, signed by the clerk of the session or presbytery, and show that you have been a member of Mitchell Road Presbyterian for at least one year.

Students can only be eligible for one of the above scholarships. All the letters of good standing should be attached and uploaded with the completed Financial Aid Application – Planning Your Finances at Erskine Theological Seminary. Once you have the application and other forms ready, scan and upload them here.

Students who withdraw from a course(s) (after the drop/add deadline, but prior to the end of the semester) will lose their institutional scholarship for that course(s). The awards will be revoked, and the students may be required to repay all or a portion of their institutional scholarship.

Institutional Refund & Repayment Policy

Tuition will be refunded on a pro rata basis for the time in attendance up to a maximum of 50% of elapsed instructional time. Students who remain enrolled, but withdraw from one or more courses after the drop/add deadline, will receive a refund of tuition and fees based upon the date that the completed and signed Course Withdrawal form is received in the Registrar’s Office and in accord with the schedule below:

Instructional time elapsed at time of withdrawal refund:

  • Up through 5% Refund of 95%
  • >5% through 10% Refund of 90%
  • >10% through 25% Refund of 75%
  • >25% through 50% Refund of 50%
  • >50% No Refund

No refund for tuition or other fees will be made to students who are required to withdraw for academic or disciplinary reasons (not applicable to GA students).

For more information:
Contact: Amanda Taylor, Director of Financial Aid

Phone: 864-379-8886

Back To Top Erskine Theological Seminary, the graduate school of theology of Erskine College 210 South Main Street P.O. Box 338 Due West, SC 29639 Phone: 864-379-8821; Fax: 864-379-3171