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The EPC and Erskine

“The EPC has no seminary of its own. What school instills in its students the ethos and spirit of the EPC? I believe that none can do this better than Erskine. Our motto of liberty in non-essentials, unity in essentials, and charity in all things could just as well be Erskine’s motto. At Erskine you will not only be given a robust Reformed education, but you will graduate with a mindset and outlook that dovetails very well with the sort of community that is the EPC.”


George Schwab

Professor of Old Testament, Erskine Theological Seminary
Member of the EPC and conducts the exams for Presbytery of the Mid Atlantic.
Devotionals for the PMA by Dr. Schwab

The Mission of the EPC

The EPC exists to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus as a denomination of Presbyterian, Reformed, Evangelical, and Missional congregations.

The Vision of the EPC

To the glory of God, the EPC family aspires to embody and proclaim Jesus’ love as a global movement of congregations engaged together in God’s mission through transformation, multiplication, and effective biblical leadership.

The Motto of the EPC

In Essentials: Unity.
In Non-Essentials: Liberty.
In All Things: Charity.

ETS Student Testimonials

“One of my greatest life experiences has been my time spent at Erskine Seminary. My professors were more than teachers, they were my greatest encouragers, becoming involved in my passion to pursue Pulpit Ministry. I knew I had their support and guidance 100% of the time.”


Corrina Gambrell

Pastor, Rocky River EPC; PMA Church Development Committee Member


“I’m Director of Erskine’s Virtual Campus, and a Ruling Elder in the EPC (Christ Church, Anderson, SC; Presbytery of the Mid-Atlantic).  While planning and running the online program at Erskine Seminary, I do so with the mindset of “How can I serve the EPC, through an online, accredited, Seminary education?”  Either through Master’s level, or DMin, I am happy that we are able to help students stay in ministry as they progress through their academic goals at a geographic distance, through a Presbyterian Seminary that matches the ethos of the EPC.”



Nathan Turner

Director of Erskine’s Virtual Campus

“As an Erskine alum and a pastor in the EPC, I can’t think of a better place for an EPC student to work on a theological degree. Erskine is committed to the basic, historic, orthodox tenets of Christian faith that are found in the EPC Essentials. Erskine is also solidly confessional and rooted in the reformed tradition. ETS faculty are pastor-scholars who are committed to training students for life in the church. The family atmosphere at Erskine may be its strongest feature and why members of the EPC would find a home there. The winsome nature of the classes and the desire for Christ to be glorified above all else is a reflection of the ethos of the EPC. If you are a member of an EPC congregation looking for a place to earn a theological degree or if you are an EPC pastor looking to begin a D.Min program, I would strongly encourage you to take a long look at Erskine Theological Seminary.”


John Dorr

EPC Pastor
Bethlehem Steltz Reformed Church (EPC)

“The Doctor of Ministry program at Erskine Theological Seminary provided me an opportunity to concentrate intensively on areas of worship and preaching in a classical Reformed perspective. Through this program, I deepened my understanding of worship and preaching in a setting that was unapologetically Reformed, but also drew deeply from the wells of the classical Christian tradition, from the ancient church to the present. As a pastor in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, I have found that my time of study at Erskine has been invaluable to me, deepening not only my understanding.”


Walter Taylor

Oak Island Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Oak Island, North Carolina

“In the Mid-Atlantic, our pastors are blessed to have a great diversity of educational options that provide both foundational and continuing opportunities for spiritual formation, growth and practical application. One of these is Erskine Seminary which is solidly Reformed, academically challenging, and easily accessible to men and women in our Presbytery. The fact that they have partnered with the EPC to provide significant financial incentives greatly adds to the value Erskine offers.”



TE Bucky Hunsicker

Missional Executive Director
Mid-Atlantic Presbytery

Back To Top Erskine Theological Seminary, the graduate school of theology of Erskine College For information regarding Admissions, contact 210 South Main Street P.O. Box 338 Due West, SC 29639 Phone: 864-379-8821; Fax: 864-379-3171