Erskine College’s accreditor, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), has removed…

Erskine Cancels Commencement Exercises
March 18, 2020
To: Erskine Theological Seminary Candidates for Graduation
REF: Graduation
The purpose of this memorandum is to provide candidates for graduation with information about the cancellation of ceremonies this year and tentative plans.
Dear Soon to be Graduates!
Congratulations on making it to this wonderful point in your academic pursuits. We rejoice with you in your success and your preparation to go into all the world and share the Good News of the Gospel.
Now, as to graduation, please note that I am truly sorry we will not be able to move forward with our Commencement scheduled for Saturday, May 2, 2020. With so many variables regarding COVID-19, government regulations, and reasonable concerns for the health of all, we have made the decision to cancel. But that does not mean you won’t graduate. It means that we regrettably cannot hold a commencement service.
Now, for those who need (want) their diplomas, we can make arrangements to get those to you. Please be in contact with Ms. Broome,, with your request and contact information.
We do hope that conditions will improve going into the summer and fall and, providing this is the case, we will make further decisions about a delayed Commencement or a combined class of 2020/2021 Commencement next year.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please send them to our Dean, Dr. Gore, Meanwhile let us pray to the Lord for relief from this pandemic and for the good health of our personal family members, our Erskine family, and all who are still threatened by this virus.
Commending you to Christ and to the Word of His grace, I remain,
Yours Faithfully,
Michael A. Milton, Ph.D.
- For best practices, updates, and other information on COVID-19 refer often to the Center for Disease Control: