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Erskine Theological Seminary announces new location and new Executive Director for Greenville Extension

[August 18, 2020]—In an effort to create a sustainable Seminary-Church model for its extension sites and campuses, Erskine Theological Seminary is proud to announce that Mitchell Road Presbyterian Church (MRPC) will become the new home for its Erskine Seminary Greenville Extension beginning this fall. This move to MRPC will provide an increased opportunity to reach students where they are, either in person or online.

The Provost of the Seminary, Dr. Michael A. Milton, commented on this new alliance, “I believe that the Mitchell Road Presbyterian Church—Erskine Seminary collaboration is a vibrant, enthusiastic, and humble response to Jesus’s words. By prayer and the Lord’s anointing, we look forward to a shared mission to ‘prepare men and women to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.’” Rev. Andy Lewis, Lead Teaching Pastor of MRPC and alumnus of Erskine College and Seminary, concurred, “We are excited to help carry on the rich tradition of ETS by forming an alliance and hosting them on our campus. Our impoverished world is in desperate need of well-trained pastors, counselors, and lay leaders. Our hope in Mitchell Road and Erskine joining in this endeavor is that we can bring food to the hungry and light to the darkness.”

Along with the move to MRPC, Erskine Seminary has called Rev. Seth J. Nelson, a Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) pastor to become its Executive Director of Erskine Seminary Greenville Extension. Rev. Nelson is a graduate of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA and is completing his Ph.D. at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Dr. Michael Milton again commented, “Rev. Nelson has considerable God-given gifts (Ephesians 2:10), strengths, and training in administration, which is the great need of the hour in Greenville. His warmth, winsomeness, and professionalism will go far in developing relationships and students.

Founded in 1837, Erskine Theological Seminary prepares men and women to fulfill the Great Commission through theological higher education that is ecclesial, missional, and confessional (Matthew 28:16-20). For more information visit our website at
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