Martha Margaret Cotten, left, celebrates with the graduates and their families. Graduates, their families, and…

Erskine Theological Seminary announces the passing of Dr. Terry Eves
[Due West, SC, 12/30/2019–] Dr. Terry Eves, Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Hebrew at Erskine Theological Seminary, went home to the Lord on December 30, 2019. Dr. Eves is survived by his wife, Dianne of 43 years, and sons Eric (Beth) and Kevin (Erin) and grandchildren Levi and Andrew; mother Marylouise Eves, and brothers Steve (Waneda) and Bryan (Sheila).
Dr. Eves is preceded in death by his father, Donald Eves.
Dr. Eves had a remarkable record of scholarly study and service that included his Ph.D. in the Hebrew Bible from The Annenberg Research Institute, along with additional graduate work at the University of Pennsylvania in Textual Criticism with Dr. Emmanuel Tov of the Hebrew University, and Westminster Theological Seminary in Ugaritic with Tremper Longman III.
He obtained a Master of Arts in Hebrew Bible from the Dropsie College of Hebrew and Cognate Languages, a Master in Theology in Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary, a M.A.R. in Biblical Studies from Westminster Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies with New Testament emphasis from Grace College.
Dr. Eves was a careful scholar and teacher who brought over 30 years of experience in the church and classroom to Erskine. He began his teaching with the Erskine family at Erskine College where he was a Professor of Biblical Studies from 2000 – 2007. He later came to Erskine Theological Seminary beginning as an Adjunct Professor of Hebrew and Biblical Theology in 2005 where he was known for mentoring students both in and out of the classroom. His desire that the faculty worship together led him to serve as Dean of the Chapel of the Seminary and he also served as chair of the Graduate Committee. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church in America.
Dr. Michael A. Milton, Provost of Erskine Seminary, reflected on Dr. Eves’ passing: “Our friend, Terry, was not only a prodigious Bible scholar, but he was also one of the most pastoral professors that I have ever known. I will always remember Terry welcoming me to the Erskine family by remarking, with that unforgettable soft and tender tonality we will all miss, ‘Mike, I found a home here at Erskine. I know it will be a home for you, as well.” Because of Dr. Terry Eves, who set an unsurpassed pastoral example, with a heart beating for Christ Jesus, and for students, he not only made Erskine my home but a home for many others. He leaves a living legacy that proclaims, “The heart of theology should always be expressed in the love of Christ Jesus.'”
Dr. Rob Gustafson, President of Erskine College and Theological Seminary, remembered Dr. Eves this way, “I knew Dr. Eves not only as a member of the Erskine Theological Seminary faculty, but also as a kind and helpful professor when I was working on my Doctor of Ministry degree at Erskine Seminary. As a student, I appreciated Terry’s deep love for the Scriptures and his clear conviction that the entire Biblical account points to Christ. This perspective challenged me to read the Old Testament with a new and rich perspective. He was always encouraging to others, always available to me as a student, and always expressive of his deep love for Christ. Dr. Eves will be greatly missed. Heaven has gained a faithful servant, but we have lost a faithful professor of the Old Testament and a beloved friend.”
Dr. Eves’ memorial service of thanksgiving and worship to Jesus Christ will be in the chapel of Bowie Divinity Hall at Erskine Theological Seminary in Due West, SC at 11:00 am on Saturday, January 4, 2020.
Erskine Theological Seminary prepares men and women to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. Dr. Terry Eves will remain an exemplar of how Erskine Seminary seeks to live this mission with fidelity to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; His inerrant and infallible Word, the Holy Bible; and by teaching the Doctrines of Grace according to the Westminster Confession of Faith—all knit together with Christ’s love lived out in grateful hearts.