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National Day of Prayer

On this National Day of prayer…

15 March 2020


OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, ALMIGHTY AND SOVEREIGN GOD: Thou art the Covenant God who looked with mercy upon a fallen race, sending Thine only begotten Son to be an atonement for our sins and a righteous Branch to cover our shameful nakedness; So, too, O God, in our great hour of need, when a sinful consequence of the Fall, this loathsome virus called Corona, a petulant pretender to Thy sovereign Kingship, threatens Thy creation with its lethal and pandemic power, grant us your salvation, physical and spiritual, local, national, and global; cleansing our souls in the saving life blood of Jesus shed for all who call upon His name, an offering for the world poured out freely on Calvary’s cross, clearing our guilt in Christ’s crucifixion, confirming our hope of eternal life in Christ’s resurrection, and causing our eyes to look heavenward in Christ’s ascension, and soon-return; Give unusual wisdom to those with healing in their hands, grant a spirit of cooperation and coordination to those with leadership in their charge, especially do we pray for Thy servants—our president, Donald, our Vice President, Michael—and all of those in human government, so that, by Thy gracious and divine intervention, we may know the destruction of this vile pestilence and we might see a new beginning to Thy victorious Kingdom, in our hearts and in our land; Hear our plea for Thy Son’s sake, and be merciful to us, a sinful and humble People; And cause this wicked wormwood called, “Corona” to bow to the one, true Sovereign, as You make haste to save us, O Triune God; for we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Dr. Michael A. Milton, Provost

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