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New book release: Foundations of a Moral Government

A new abridged, annotated, Standard English edition of Samuel Rutherford‘s Lex, Rex by Dr. Michael A. Milton is needed, now more than ever, so that we might return to the sacred ideas of human government that were foundational to the establishment of government in the United States and influential to the constitutional monarchy in Great Britain.

Until now, Lex, Rex was largely inaccessible to the modern reader. Moreover, Rutherford’s words needed to be communicated in a fresh, informed, and relevant way for today’s readers.

“If we fancy that natural law is somehow divided from Almighty God, we lose the moral impulse in human government.

To lose this moral component is to risk the unraveling of the rest of the Democratic government. For if human government is derived from God, not an abstract and unknowable natural law, but, in fact, a divine revelation, most fully revealed through the person of our God and Savior Jesus Christ, then such government and her people are subject to both blessings and penalties.

The divine component which produces the moral impulse within a moral democracy safeguards against tyranny on the one hand and anarchy on the other.” – Foundations of a Moral Government

“We owe many thanks to Mike Milton for careful work, analyzing and paraphrasing Rutherford for modern readers. He has used well his gifts as a linguist, a pastor, and a theological scholar. As we endure this historical period of radically divisive political debate, it is hard to imagine a better gift to the American people than this restoration of Rutherford’s important work.” – John M. Frame, PhD

As an author, Milton has penned over thirty books, including Silent No More: Why the Church Must Speak Biblically to State and Culture. Milton’s commentaries on faith and culture have been published nationally and internationally by numerous online and print publications.

Dr. Milton has recently been named interim Provost of Erskine Theological Seminary in Due West, South Carolina. Erskine Seminary is committed to a pastoral scholarship that is delivered with personal warmth, biblical fidelity, and a passion for the Great Commission. Dr. Milton’s work on Foundations of a Moral Government Is one example of how faculty are seeking to research, write, teach, and preach Biblical and Reformed truth that leads to Christian transformation in every area of life.

Dr. Milton lives in North Carolina with his wife, Mae, and their son, John Michael, the youngest of eight children. Their seven adult children are all married and settled throughout the East Coast and Deep South. Further information about Dr. Milton is available at

Dr. Milton has declined any royalties from sale of his works through Erskine. Any orders through Erskine benefits the mission of preparing men and women to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ at Erskine Theological Seminary.

Erskine Theological Seminary supports the Mission of God in the world by educating, from a biblically Reformed perspective, persons for service in the Christian Church (Matthew 28:16-20).

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of this book from Tanglewood Publishing, Click Here.

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