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North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC)

Each year on the second week of November, The North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council holds its annual meeting. This organization consists of 13 Reformed Denominations and Federations from Scottish, Dutch, Korean, German, and French theological and historical backgrounds. The purpose of this annual meeting is to share information with the larger reformed world, to encourage the work of Sister churches, and to hold out the possibility of organic union.

I attended my first NAPARC meeting in 2007. Dr. George Knight was the chairman that year. I met so many men who I haved remain friends with through the years.

This organization aided in the RPCNA and ARPC developing a closer working relationship. At the annual meetings there are times set aside for delegations to join together in one-on-one discussions. These were incredibly helpful in drawing the two churches closer together. Usually at the meeting, we sit in a summit-style square or circle configuration with each church’s delegation of four sitting together. One of my favorite memories was at one point where the ARPC and RPCNA delegations sat together interspersed among themselves.

NAPARC is not a Court of the church. But we do have agreements on the  transfer of members and of working together in church planting. These aid us so we work together in supporting church discipline and in working together to not overlap efforts.

This year’s meeting is being held in Rhode Island.  The member denominations rotate hosting the annual meeting. One highlight of the meeting is the  banquet with a speaker from the host church. Over the years, we have heard many fine sermons and presentations. Two of my favorites have been Dr. Joel Beeke’s talk on Experimental preaching and Dr. Steve Park’s talk on the history of the Presbyterian Church in Korea. Attending NAPARC has blessed me both in the friendships made and in learning through others who share our common theological heritage.

There are a couple of resources I would point out to you. First, NAPARC has it own website < > that provides information about the organization and member churches. Second, there is a map of Reformed and confessional church which includes the NAPARC members. If you are looking for a Reformed Church to visit then this map will be a great help!  < >

Pray for our meeting this week and for our common work.

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