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Professor tells why you should pray for your pastor

Max Rogland, standing, chats with Erskine Seminary students at the Columbia Campus.

Associate Professor of Old Testament Dr. Max Rogland recently wrote a feature article called “The Lord’s Shepherd” for Tabletalk Magazine, a publication of Ligioner Ministries.

In the article, Rogland notes that pastors are “special targets for the attacks of the evil one,” and goes on to explore the prophetic words of Zechariah 13:7: “Strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered,” and their fulfillment in New Testament accounts of Christ’s betrayal, arrest, and crucifixion. Read the article here.

Rogland, who also serves as associate dean of Erskine Seminary’s Columbia Campus, is senior minister of Rose Hill Presbyterian Church. He publishes regularly on Old Testament topics, and teaches biblical languages as well as Old Testament. He holds the Master of Divinity degree from Covenant Theological Seminary and received his Ph.D. from Leiden University in 2001.

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