Martha Margaret Cotten, left, celebrates with the graduates and their families. Graduates, their families, and…

Rev. Dr. Richard W. Winston: Erskine’s Associate Professor of New Testament
Erskine Theological Seminary is pleased to announce the appointment of the Reverend Doctor Richard W. Winston (Ph.D.) as Associate Professor of New Testament. Dr. Winston comes to Erskine after serving for the last eight years as Pastor of Roebuck Presbyterian Church in Roebuck, SC. He previously taught at Geneva Reformed Seminary.
Dr. Winston has a B.A. in Humanities from Bob Jones University, a M.Div. from Geneva Reformed Seminary, and a Ph.D. from Central Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of Misunderstanding, Nationalism, or Legalism: Understanding Israel’s Chief Error with Reference to the Law in Romans 9:30—10:13. While a seminary and doctoral student, Dr. Winston was mentored by Rev. Dr. Michael Barrett (now with Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary). As an ordained minister in Calvary Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), Dr. Winston has served as the chairman of the Candidates & Credentials Committee and as moderator of presbytery in 2020.
Dean of the Seminary, Dr. Seth J. Nelson, commented on Dr. Winston’s appointment: “It is very important to us that our next professor of New Testament and Director of the DMin Program is not only a good biblical scholar who loves Jesus Christ, is convinced of the Reformed faith, and can teach well, but is also an ordained minister with substantial real world ministry experience. I am overjoyed that God brought Dr. Winston to us, a man in whom all those values are true. With his keen theological mind, gracious disposition, and pastoral sensitivity, our students will observe what a pastor-scholar looks like.”
Erskine’s President, Dr. Steve Adamson also remarked: “As Erskine Theological Seminary builds for the future, the appointment of Rev. Dr. Richard Winston signals another large step forward. Our seminary seeks to become the preeminent pastor-shepherd seminary in the United States. To accomplish this vision, we are committed to all our professors having extensive pastoral experience so they can immediately integrate theology and ministry practice in their classes. Our students are going to benefit greatly from Dr. Winston’s leadership as he models the heart of a shepherd.”
Dr. Winston will succeed Dr. Loyd Melton, the John Montgomery Bell Professor of New Testament, when Dr. Melton retires later this year. In addition to his role as a teaching professor, Dr. Winston will assume the directorship of the seminary’s Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) program. Dr. Winston lives in Taylors, SC, with his wife, Bethany, and their two teenage children