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Rev. Dr. T. Chris Crain: Erskine Theological Seminary Announces a New Full-Time Faculty Member

[DUE WEST, SC, February 20, 2024] Erskine Theological Seminary is pleased to announce the appointment of the Reverend Doctor T. Chris Crain (Ph.D.) as Associate Professor of Historical and Pastoral Theology. Dr. Crain comes to Erskine after serving for more than eleven years as an active-duty United States Army chaplain endorsed by the Presbyterian & Reformed Commission on Chaplains (PRCC). He previously served as Assistant Pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC, Headmaster of Covenant Classical Christian School in Columbia, SC, and adjunct professor at Erskine Theological Seminary. In light of Dr. Crain’s substantial pastoral experience as an Army chaplain, he will assume the directorship of Erskine’s Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program later this year in addition to his faculty appointment.

Dr. Crain has a B.S. in Textile Chemistry from Clemson University, a M.Div. from Covenant Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Historical Theology from St. Louis University (with emphases in American Christianity and the Early Church). His doctoral dissertation examined the 19th century German Reformed theologian, John Williamson Nevin, and the relationship of his aesthetic theory to his theology. Dr. Crain is the author of an article on Nevin in the Encyclopedia of Religious Revivals in America. He has also published “Turning the Beast into a Beauty: Towards an Evangelical Theological Aesthetics” in the Presbyterion Journal. An ordained presbyterian minister, Dr. Crain looks forward to serving within the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARPC) as he seeks transfer of ordination into the ARPC in the near future.

Dean of the Seminary, Dr. Seth J. Nelson, commented on Dr. Crain’s appointment: “In our search for our next professor of historical and pastoral theology and director of the DMin program, we were searching for someone with a specific set of characteristics and God-given gifts: a keen mind for scholarship in historical theology, a deep love for Jesus Christ, a settled conviction in the Reformed faith, a pastor’s heart, administrative talent, and extensive real-world pastoral ministry experience. I am overjoyed that the Lord brought Dr. Crain to us—a man in whom all these characteristics reside. Based on his substantial ministry experience, including leading and mentoring other chaplains as a brigade chaplain in the United States Army, Dr. Crain will build upon Erskine’s legacy of training chaplains and further equipping seasoned pastors through our DMin program. I am excited to see what the Lord does through Dr. Crain’s leadership of this important degree program.

Erskine’s President, Dr. Steve Adamson also remarked: “The appointment of Rev. Dr. T. Chris Crain signals another significant step forward as Erskine Theological Seminary builds for the future. Our seminary seeks to become the preeminent pastor-shepherd seminary in the United States. As we aspire to this vision, we are committed to all our professors having extensive pastoral experience so they can immediately integrate theology and ministry practice into their classes. Our students are going to benefit greatly from Dr. Crain’s teaching as he models the heart of a shepherd.”

Dr. Crain lives in Simpsonville, SC, with his wife, Nancy. They have three adult children: Miriam, Eden, and Malachi. The Crains enjoy fitness, the outdoors, reading, and cooking ethnic cuisine.

Back To Top Erskine Theological Seminary, the graduate school of theology of Erskine College 210 South Main Street P.O. Box 338 Due West, SC 29639 Phone: 864-379-8821; Fax: 864-379-3171