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Seminary announces online Teaching and Learning course opportunity

In response to the pressing need for faculty in higher education to gain insight about online teaching and learning, Erskine Theological Seminary and the D. James Kennedy Institute now offer a course “for such a time as this:” The Courage to Grow: An Introduction to Online Teaching and Learning for Faculty in Higher Education. The course is offered to other institutions of higher learning, independent scholars, and all educators at no cost.

Dr. Michael A. Milton, Provost of Erskine Seminary, and President of the D. James Kennedy Institute of Reformed Leadership, commented on the course, “I wrote the course out of the present need in the higher education community. Online teaching has evolved from merely videotaping a lecture for asynchronous (recorded and archived) viewing to a full learning management experience. There is a distinctive pedagogy (philosophy of teaching). There are also unique delivery challenges and opportunities. We needed this for our resident and adjunct faculty, and thought it good to share with others, especially during this crisis (COVID-19 and schools being forced to deliver education online).”

Dr. Milton’s experience and education prepared him for this role. He holds a certification in higher education teaching from Harvard University and has designed online courses for several undergraduate and graduate schools, including Erskine. Dr. Milton is also a retired Army Colonel who was a subject matter expert in online teaching and learning at the US Army Chaplain Center and School. In 2014, Milton was called to active duty to research and design over thirty online courses for mandatory Army officer training. He also taught educators on best practices for online teaching and learning.

To register for the course, go to the course site at and look for “Courage to Grow.” Or, interested persons may use this direct link to the course:

The course features:

  • An introduction to online teaching and learning.
  • How to design an online course.
  • The four pillars of online teaching and learning.
  • How to design an 8-module online course.
  • How to excite deep-learning through 7-essential components in each module.
  • How to use scaffolding to build-out your online course.

The D. James Kennedy Institute of Reformed Leadership (DJK Institute) is a faith-based think tank named in honor of the late Presbyterian minister, Dr. D. James Kennedy. The Institute operates at the historic campus of Erskine Theological Seminary. This DJK Institute offers training courses, fellowship programs, white papers, and more to support the mission of shepherding shepherds that shepherd the flock. Learn more at



Founded in 1837, Erskine Theological Seminary prepares men and women to fulfill the Great Commission through theological higher education that is ecclesial, missional, and confessional (Matthew 28:16-20). For more information visit our website at


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