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Justin Pic
Brickey, Justin

Adjunct Professor in Global Diploma in Theology and Christian Leadership


Rev. Justin Brickey is an ordained minister in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church and a missionary with the SEED Ministry of World Witness. He has lived and served cross-culturally in the United States, Peru, and Spain. He has a Master’s of Divinity and a Master of Theology from Erskine Theological Seminary. His burden is to help equip indigenous ministers and church leaders to grow in their biblical understanding so they can more faithfully minister in their communities. Justin currently lives in West Columbia with his wife, Gillian, and their children.

Back To Top Erskine Theological Seminary, the graduate school of theology of Erskine College 210 South Main Street P.O. Box 338 Due West, SC 29639 Phone: 864-379-8821; Fax: 864-379-3171