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Galletta, David

Adjunct Professor in Global Diploma in Theology and Christian Leadership


David Galletta has been a World Witness (Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church) missionary since 2001, serving first on a church planter training team in Moscow Russia, and then with the Mobile Theological Training Team since 2006. The ministry has recently merged with another team and is now called SEED (Serving the Global South by Educating, Encouraging, and Discipling). As part of SEED, he trains pastors and church leaders in developing countries, including Kenya, Rwanda (where he and his wife lived for the 2022-2023 academic year), Burundi, Ethiopia, Uganda, Zambia, South Africa, and Pakistan. He specializes in theology and biblical studies. David has an M. Div. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, a D. Min. from Covenant Theological Seminary, and a Ph. D. from the University of Wales. David is also an ordained minister in the ARP church, having pastored in Maryland and in Canada for 9 years. He and his wife, Annelies, have three adult daughters, one who is married with 2 children, and live in Silver Spring, MD.

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