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Langley Shealy
Shealy, Langley D.

Director of Communications and Marketing

Telephone: 8032618585
Location: Columbia

Have an issue? No problem—Langley will fix it in a way you never thought possible. As the Seminary’s  communications go-to, she is often found creatively problem-solving to turn even the dullest of information into something beautiful.

Have an idea? Great! Langley is behind every creative endeavor the Seminary takes on. She uses her education in computer science and mixes it with her gift of finding beauty to make the Seminary’s communications fresh and vibrant. A new beautiful website? That’s her. The dynamic annual report? Yup, also her. Don’t forget any invitation you might receive from us, because that’s Langley, too.

As extroverted as extroverts come, one might describe Langley as the life of the party, but she is much more than that. She’s enduringly loyal to those who are close to her, and will fight tooth-and-nail for the one’s she loves. She says her heroes are her children who have taught her the value of life, of loss and of love.

Favorite Quote:

“These woods are lovely dark and deep, but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep, miles to go before I sleep”. (Robert Frost)

Education: M.B.A. in Management Information Systems (Barry University, Miami, FL); B.A. in Political Science (College of Charleston, Charleston, SC)

Community Engagement: Laurel Crest Retirement Center Board of Directors (Marketing Chair and Executive Committee), The Therapy Place (Advisory Committee) and SC Youth Suicide Prevention Initiative (SCYSPI) (Leadership team and Marketing and Communications committee).


Southeastern Council of Foundations Hull Fellow, 2015-2016

Back To Top Erskine Theological Seminary, the graduate school of theology of Erskine College 210 South Main Street P.O. Box 338 Due West, SC 29639 Phone: 864-379-8821; Fax: 864-379-3171