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Massey, Eliah

Adjunct Professor in Global Diploma in Theology and Christian Leadership


Dr. Eliah Massey holds a Ph.D. from Kukje Theological Seminary in South Korea. He is an ordained pastor and has served for several years in the Korean Presbyterian Reformed Church. He served as a professor of New Testament theology at Holy People Seminary in Korea for a number of years.

Dr. Massey currently serves as a missionary pastor and church planter in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. For the past ten years, he has sought to bring the light of the protestant reformation to his native country of Pakistan.

In 2014, he founded the Urdu Center for Reformed Theology ( to provide Christ-centered and reformed resources for the Urdu speaking world. He has authored a half dozen books and translated more than two dozen reformed classics, including the Westminster Standards and R. C. Sproul’s work What Is Reformed Theology? He is married to his wife Ramona, and they live in Kansas City, Kansas with their two teenage children.

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