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Diploma and Certificate Programs

Graduate Certificates

Erskine offers four (4) graduate certificates through the David Livingstone Institute for Christianity, Medicine, and the Sciences at Erskine Theological Seminary. Students who choose to take any of these courses for graduate (master’s level) credit will attend lectures and do the required readings and research as stipulated in the various course syllabi.


As the ATS accreditation standards allow schools the freedom to admit into a master’s degree applicants lacking an undergraduate diploma, the Seminary will evaluate such applications on an individual basis. Applicants who are not eligible to be admitted into a master’s degree may be admitted into one the diploma programs corresponding to the Seminary’s masters’ degrees curricula:

  • Diploma in Divinity (=MDiv),
  • Diploma in Practical Ministry (=MAPM),
  • Diploma in Theological Studies (=MATS).

These diploma programs follow the same curricular and credit-hour requirements as the corresponding master’s degree programs (90 hours for Diploma in Divinity, 36 hours for Diploma in Practical Ministry, and 48 hours for Diploma in Theological Studies).

David Livingstone Institute (DLI) Graduate Certificates

As part of the David Livingstone Institute for Christianity, Medicine, and the Sciences, Erskine also offers four (4) Graduate Certificate programs for practicing medical and scientific professionals and students. Students who choose to take these courses for graduate (master’s level) credit will attend lectures and do the required readings and research as stipulated in the various course syllabi. Others may attend the lecture portions of these courses as auditors and may receive Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for attending the lectures. Each of the four (4) Graduate Certificates requires four (4) graduate courses with three (3) semester hours of credit each. These Graduate Certificates may be rolled into the Master of Arts in Theological Studies
(MATS) degree (48 semester hours required).

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Ready to Get Started?
Back To Top Erskine Theological Seminary, the graduate school of theology of Erskine College 210 South Main Street P.O. Box 338 Due West, SC 29639 Phone: 864-379-8821; Fax: 864-379-3171