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The mission of Erskine Seminary is Erskine Theological Seminaryto prepare men and women to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through theological higher education that is ecclesial, missional, and confessional. To that end, the Admissions Office of Erskine Seminary seeks to recruit qualified students called by God and their church to serve effectively in a variety of church ministries and services locally and globally.

Applying to Erskine

Undergraduates who anticipate enrolling in the Seminary are encouraged to pursue a well-rounded course of study with a broad foundation in the liberal arts, including English, history, philosophy, Bible and religion, and the social sciences. Graduates with degrees in other fields, however, may still pursue a theological education.

In order to be admitted to Erskine Seminary, students must normally possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university; students applying to the ThM or DMin programs must also possess an appropriate graduate degree. Students must also demonstrate the academic ability needed to succeed in graduate education as well as the personal and spiritual qualities appropriate to their desired program of study. Students whose degrees are from unaccredited institutions, or whose previous academic work does not meet Erskine’s standards, may be admitted on probation.

So that the Seminary will have sufficient time to evaluate application materials, students are encouraged to apply by August 1 for enrollment in the fall semester, December 1 for the January term, January 1 for the spring semester, and May 1 for the summer term.

Master’s Programs

Students applying to the Seminary’s master’s degree programs (MDiv, MAPM, and MATS) must submit the following:

  1. A completed application form, including a signed adherence to Erskine College and Theological Seminary’s Statement of Faith and Statement of Biblical Distinctives.
  2. Official transcripts for all degrees previously earned. These must show a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution with a minimum 2.5 grade point average (GPA) for application to the MDiv, MAPM, and MATS. (Students with a lower GPA may be considered for admission on probation.)
  3. A 400-600 word personal essay to include (a) a brief testimony of faith in Jesus Christ and (b) why they would like to pursue a seminary education.
  4. Two letters of recommendation from people who know them well and can address their Christian character, commitment, potential for effective ministry (such as a pastor, mentor, or colleague in ministry), and aptitude for advanced academic work (such as a former teacher). (The Seminary reserves the right to request additional recommendations.)

Advanced Programs

  1. A completed application form
  2. Official transcripts from all schools which have awarded them a degree. These must show appropriate graduate degrees from accredited institutions with a 3.0 graduate grade point average. ThM applicants must possess an MDiv, MATS, MAR, or equivalent; DMin students must have an MDiv or equivalent. DMin applicants with a GPA between 2.75 and 2.99 may be considered for admission on probation; those with a GPA below 2.75 may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  3. Two letters of recommendation from persons who know them well and can address their Christian character, commitment, and potential for effective ministry (such as a pastor, mentor, or colleague in ministry) and their aptitude for advanced academic work (such as a former teacher). (The Seminary reserves the right to request additional recommendations in special circumstances.)
  4. A 600-word statement explaining how the program will contribute to their competence in academic work, ministry, or service to the church.
  5. (ThM applicants only) Submission of a master’s level academic paper (at least 10 pages, double spaced, with note and bibliography formatted properly).
  6. (DMin applicants only) A brief resume of their experience in ministry. Applicants must ordinarily have at least three years of full-time ministry experience following completion of their MDiv. Students with less than three years of post-MDiv experience must provide additional information about ministry experience and qualifications for advanced ministerial studies.
  7. An interview may be deemed necessary to establish the student’s level of interest, aptitude, and personal qualities necessary to engage in advanced study.


Students who lack an undergraduate degree may apply for admission into one of the diploma programs that parallel Erskine’s degree programs: Diploma in Divinity (MDiv), Diploma in Practical Ministry (MAPM), and Diploma in Theological Studies (MATS). Applicants must complete the admission requirements as outlined above for master’s degree programs.

Students may convert a completed Diploma to a master’s degree if they subsequently acquire an undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university by submitting an official transcript documenting the completed undergraduate degree program and conferral date, along with the applicable fee.
Back To Top Erskine Theological Seminary, the graduate school of theology of Erskine College 210 South Main Street P.O. Box 338 Due West, SC 29639 Phone: 864-379-8821; Fax: 864-379-3171